OT-What pets do you have?

amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
I have an 18 pound cat named Zoey...he actually isn't really fat, just a big big cat. I call him my little mountain lion. He will be 7 years old this summer and he is my little pumpkin (if someone can tell me how to post pics I would post one)

My boyfriend and I want to get a dog when we get a house, probably either a black or yellow Lab. This will probably never happen due to how much they cost, but I was watching It's Me or The Dog the other day and I fell in love with Pomeranians. I'm really not a fan of little yippy dogs but their so silly looking their cute. If I ever got one I'd name is Peanutbutter.


  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I have an 18 pound cat named Zoey...he actually isn't really fat, just a big big cat. I call him my little mountain lion. He will be 7 years old this summer and he is my little pumpkin (if someone can tell me how to post pics I would post one)

    My boyfriend and I want to get a dog when we get a house, probably either a black or yellow Lab. This will probably never happen due to how much they cost, but I was watching It's Me or The Dog the other day and I fell in love with Pomeranians. I'm really not a fan of little yippy dogs but their so silly looking their cute. If I ever got one I'd name is Peanutbutter.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    To post a pic, upload it to a photo site like photobucket. Then take the code they give you & post it between [IMG][/IMG] (but change IMG to img).

    I have a fatty cat named Lucy & 2 mutts named Gina & Floyd. They keep my life...messy. :wink:
  • velvetwing
    velvetwing Posts: 142
    I have a little long hair chihuahau --- love him, hes my baby but he is not always nice to strangers or dogs.
    I also have a 1 1/2 yr old yellow lab. She is a really great dog, very lovable and super smart. But she has become very expensive as she has eaten so many things we have lost count, this includes furniture and just about everything she can get her teeth on. You could pretty much guess we have to baby proof to the extreme. We also have to put her in a kennel when we leave the house so she doesnt get any ideas to eat the house. Im told labs are puppies this way for the first few years and then they grow up a little. Given all of this... I wouldnt give her up for nothing. She is such a love !
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I have a few piranha's, a turtle, and some other random fish.

    I used to have a stingray that I named Pancake...I miss him! :cry:
  • nibor
    nibor Posts: 57 Member
    I have 2 dogs. One pound puppy (Casey Jones) part lab with pit bull (we think) and a shih tsz (Kelsey Lynne). Two opposite, but love each other. Casey is 11 and Kelsey is 10. They put much joy into our lives. If we're down they always pick us up! Don't be afraid to find a pound puppy that needs rescuing. They make teriffic pets!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    We have Popcorn. :love: She is a terrier mix. that is her peaking out from under my hubbys blanket. She got the name popcorn because when we got her she is brown and white and had a black streak down her back, reminding my hubby of a burnt peice of popcorn. She sleeps in the bed under the covers with us.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I have 2 beautiful cats :bigsmile: I too have a big cat... he is a little fat but he's also just big. His head is like 2X the size of my other cat's head :laugh: . Anyways my big sweetheat is all white and named Ciao, he weighs 16 lbs, down from 17.. he's on a diet :laugh:

    the little one is grey and her name is Libi. She's just under 10 lbs and full grown. She's SO bad, lol seriously such a little misbehaver. They are total opposite.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    My baby is Jada, our 6 yr old yellow lab-on my ticker...she has been the most amazing pet I have ever owned. We also have 2 cats. Ozzy, is black and white, and Kipur is my cat, a beige tabby, absolute trouble like a 2 yr old but sooo funny. The 2 cats are so different but soo good together. All my animals actually have always gotten along. The cats will answer us when we talk to them. Ozzy, though, is the silent Alpha...Man I love my pets.:heart:
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I have Buster he's a Boston Terrier

    I have Chester he's a really overwieght - Pug

    And Winnie she's a Basenji

    We also have Nitro - whose a Burmese Ball Python

    We used to have a Bunny 2 Parakeets and a Hamster - but alas they are in the big Pet shop in the sky
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I own a 9yr old pit bull I know they have a bad rep but he is a great dog and has been great in showing people that its not the breed that is bad- He is my daughters best friend
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I have 2 beautiful cats :bigsmile: I too have a big cat... he is a little fat but he's also just big. His head is like 2X the size of my other cat's head :laugh: . Anyways my big sweetheat is all white and named Ciao, he weighs 16 lbs, down from 17.. he's on a diet :laugh:

    the little one is grey and her name is Libi. She's just under 10 lbs and full grown. She's SO bad, lol seriously such a little misbehaver. They are total opposite.

    Does Libi have a triangle shaped face?
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I own a 9yr old pit bull I know they have a bad rep but he is a great dog and has been great in showing people that its not the breed that is bad- He is my daughters best friend

    It's not the dog, but the mental owners and breeders that have given them a bad rep....
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,787 Member
    5 shelter adopted cats. All are on my pictures, including a few more.
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I have a little long hair chihuahau --- love him, hes my baby but he is not always nice to strangers or dogs.
    I also have a 1 1/2 yr old yellow lab. She is a really great dog, very lovable and super smart. But she has become very expensive as she has eaten so many things we have lost count, this includes furniture and just about everything she can get her teeth on. You could pretty much guess we have to baby proof to the extreme. We also have to put her in a kennel when we leave the house so she doesnt get any ideas to eat the house. Im told labs are puppies this way for the first few years and then they grow up a little. Given all of this... I wouldnt give her up for nothing. She is such a love !

    I have a dane/black lab mix (Parker) and we went through 5 remotes for the TV in about that many months. He is 7 now and he did grow out of it. He had a thing about socks. He even stole one right off my foot once. We just started giving him thing to chew on and he stopped chewing on things he wasn't supposed to but he was almost 3 then. I am told labs take a little longer than other dogs to stop chewing. He also LOVES ripping up old towels. He puts his paw on the towel and rips and rips and rips until he has a bunch of strips....it is weird cuz they are all about the same size. I also have a 15 year old Jack Russell (Gracie). She thinks she is a big dog and is the boss of Parker. I also have 5 cats ranging from 2 years to 13 years and 5 pounds to 20 pounds. My son has two turtles.
  • nort0186
    nort0186 Posts: 33
    I have a long haired chihuahua named Puckett! He is the love of my life!! He's a whopping 3.5 lbs but he thinks he's a WHOLE lot bigger!!! :love:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I have 2 beautiful cats :bigsmile: I too have a big cat... he is a little fat but he's also just big. His head is like 2X the size of my other cat's head :laugh: . Anyways my big sweetheat is all white and named Ciao, he weighs 16 lbs, down from 17.. he's on a diet :laugh:

    the little one is grey and her name is Libi. She's just under 10 lbs and full grown. She's SO bad, lol seriously such a little misbehaver. They are total opposite.

    Does Libi have a triangle shaped face?

    kind of, ya. She REALLY looked siamese when we got her (at 8wks old) very skinny, triangle face, big, sharp ears and big eyes. Her features have softened a bit though. Why, does she sound just like yours? :laugh:
  • hbaggett67
    hbaggett67 Posts: 19 Member
    I have 2 dogs (St.Bernard mix and schnauzer mix); 3 cats; a guinea pig, a thoroughbred and a pony. Oh, and fish. Definitely as someone said--it makes your life messy, but they are all so much fun!
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    My clan includes:

    Stormy- 9
    Mr. Handsome-5

    Baby Girl, Boston Terrier mix-6
    Ralphie, collie mix-7
    Ben-recent addition, Boxer-Bull mix- 6months.


    BabyGirl is my treadmill partner. If we are not on it together she is standing there waiting for me to get off so she can have her turn. She loves it!

    Actually, she's been my partner for all my adventures. We've hiked Pikes Peak together, attempted part of the Appalachian Trail. A few trails here in our state, canoeing, splunking, rollerblading, jogging, etc. She is quite a gal!

  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I have 2 dogs. One pound puppy (Casey Jones) part lab with pit bull (we think) and a shih tsz (Kelsey Lynne). Two opposite, but love each other. Casey is 11 and Kelsey is 10. They put much joy into our lives. If we're down they always pick us up! Don't be afraid to find a pound puppy that needs rescuing. They make teriffic pets!

    Yeah we plan on getting our lab from a shelter. We looked around at a pet store but I didn't like the idea of custom ordering a pet, and paying more money than our mortgage will be. My cat is from a shelter so I love the feeling of knowing I gave a good home to an animal who otherwise may not have had one. I doubt many Pomerianians end up in a shelter, and there is no way I am paying the price for one so I kind of doubt I'll ever get one.
  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    I have a lab/hound mix. He's awesome! He has the temperament of a lab, but the bark of the hound. He's a pound puppy and is just a big 70 pound ball of love. Unless you're threatening his momma that is :)

    You can probably find a Pomeranian rescue group somewhere in your area if you really want one. But little dogs tend to be little brats LOL, but mainly because people spoil them.